Sergio Abreu
Birthday: January 30, 1970
Occupation: Regional Manager, TECO Energy
Chapter: Sigma Alpha
Initiated: 1991
Scroll: 103
At the time some of my great friends where looking for a fraternity to join and the current TKE fraterd made the experience feel like a brotherhood
Who influneced you most in your time in the Fraternity?
Enrique Montoya, Juan Gonzalez (Little Brother), Elias Bardawil, Jose Toscano, Peter Koltis
Share your best college/Fraternity memory?
My favorite memories were when we competed with other fraternities in Greek week and when we hosted events with sororities at the TKE warehouse
What was the most important thing you learned in the Fraternity?
Loyalty and brotherhood to the members of your organization
Describe the Fraternity in three words?
Life long friendships
How did your education and/or Fraternity experience prepare you for where you are today?
My education is the foundation of what I do today. The fraternity gave me the real world experience that prepared me for what I do today
What is your greatest professional accomplishment?
I have spent 30 plus years working in the profession that I love and studied for and graduated from FIU with a degree in, politics at the local, state, and federal level. It has allowed me to write laws and influence the writing of laws to improve the lives of many.
What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
It’s a great field to pursue if you love politics. It is not what TV, movies and word of mouth make it out to be. It’s a lot of hard work and tough decision making, so you better love it.
What is something people may not know about you?
My hobby is woodworking