Mauricio Mejia
Birthday: August 11, 1974
Occupation: Physician Associate, Urgent Care / Emergency Medicine
Chapter: Sigma Alpha
Initiated: 1994
Scroll: 168
Why did you choose TKE?
A friend of mine was interested in joining TKE, so he brought me along. I felt very comfortable and welcomed by the fraters.
Who influneced you most in your time in the Fraternity?
I would include my big brother Jose Toscano, Luis Ortiz, and Elias Bardawil.
Share your best college/Fraternity memory?
Traveling to Louisiana for Mardi Gras three years in a row. Also, having a great TKE soccer team at that time.
What was the most important thing you learned in the Fraternity?
Describe the Fraternity in three words?
Family, fun, connections
How did your education and/or Fraternity experience prepare you for where you are today?
My time in TKE allowed me to have people I call brothers, with many of whom I’m still in touch with today.
What is your greatest professional accomplishment?
My medical career, and having a great rapport with my patients.
What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
It’s no joke. Study hard and love what you do. Learn to balance the seriousness of medicine with empathy for your patients and their families.
What is something people may not know about you?
I originally had a career in broadcast/TV prior to switching over to medicine. I’ve traveled all over the world. My most unique travel was probably Tibet. I’ve hiked the 500+ mile Camino de Santiago starting in France and across Spain. I will be hiking it again in 2023.