Luis Ortiz

Name: Luis Ortiz
Birthday: March 27, 1974
Occupation: Firefighter, City of Miami Fire-Rescue
Chapter: Sigma Alpha
Initiated: 1994
Scroll: 164

Why did you choose TKE?
Saw a bit of myself in all the brothers.

Who influneced you most in your time in the Fraternity?
Alvaro Taboada, Jose Toscano, Rey Morales, David Gimenez, Albert Zamora.

Share your best college/Fraternity memory?
Took a while but finally graduating.

What was the most important thing you learned in the Fraternity?
How to deal with different personalities in settings outside of work.

Describe the Fraternity in three words?
Friends, social, networking

How did your education and/or Fraternity experience prepare you for where you are today?
I was exposed to a variety of people and personalities much like I encounter at the fire station or during emergency calls.

What is your greatest professional accomplishment?
Having the opportunity to work in the Division of Emergency Management thru the COVID-19 pandemic and assist the department and the City of Miami with the financial recovery aspect by creating documentation packets for submission to the federal government for reimbursement of COVID-19 related expenses.

What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
Start early so you can retire early.

What is something people may not know about you?
I collect soccer jerseys from club teams and national teams around the world.